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Easter Greeting Cards

Boxed Easter cards celebrating the resurrection.Boxed Easter Cards consisting of 12 greeting cards celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and rejoicing in the hope found in Him.  Share the good news with others this Easter with the aid of boxed Christian greeting cards that bring to mind the glorious news of Christ's resurrection from the dead.

Concerning the miracle of Christ's resurrection, the evidence presented in the Gospels is the very kind of pragmatic evidence that men demand.  He was seen with the human eye, touched with the human hand and heard by the human ear (I Jn 1:1-3).  It is true that none of us have ever seen a dead man rise from the dead.  But Jesus is the Son of God, and concerning death it is written of Him, "It was not possible that he should be holden of it" (Acts 2:24).  Like His Father, the Son has "life in himself" (Jn 5:26).  He does not draw His life from another life source.  "In Him is life" (Jn 1:4).  And concerning His life, Jesus said, "I have the  power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it again" (Jn 10:17-18).  This the Lord Jesus did in order to save us from the death sentence our sins have earned us. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift and the eternal hope that we all can share in if we repent of our sins and by faith trust the Lord Jesus Christ to save us, even as He promises to do.  And what God promises to do, He will perform - Hallelujah and Amen!